Stanley, ND

Photo montage: a field of daisies, a family walking on the beach, a tranquil beach scene, and a fishing pole propped against a folding chair at the end of a dock

Police Department

221 S Main St
Stanley, ND 58784
Mailing Address:
PO Box 249
Stanley, ND 58784
Phone Numbers:
Dispatch: (701) 628-2677
City Hall: (701) 628-2225
Fax: (701) 628-2232


Department Members:
Kevin Litten Chief of Police
Chris Jenkins Lieutenant
Sam Pesik K9 Officer
K9 - Phantom
Narcotic Detection
Briana Dazell School Resource Officer
Joseph Rivers Officer
Raphael Salinas Officer


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At the Crossroads of Hwy 2 & 8